Leucosia's House, 2 Lucie Street, South Qeynos (4 rooms), Test Server


Leucosia is an Erudite Conjuror. She lives currently in Lucie Street in South Qeynos and she made herself a nice, confortable house, some place to relax and learn after working on house items or sending her pet destroy some enemies.

Her entrance is a place of light and relaxation. Carpets cover the floor and bookcases are set along the walls and hanging from the ceiling. Cushions are set in a corner to eat or read and, across the room, a little bar is set to drink a bit.


One can also grab a book and go outside to read, where a waterfall endlessly falls and creates a relaxing music of water.


The basement is a trophy room of sorts, and displays some nice weapons, gems, bottles of perfume and other odd ends.


Above, the bedroom is a place to relax, study and sleep while the magical piano is playing sweet entrancing music.


Here we are. I hope you liked this nice little home.
If you visit it and you're a ratonga, beware. There is a displacer cat named Ratchaser who, of course, chases rats. There is a little magical gazer nearby, named Rattransformer who is speciallized in an interesting area: he turns captured ratongas into little purple or pink orbs. That's a very very nice way to get rid of the little pests of course. He already transformed 2 of them and you may see Pickett and Cloudrat roam the house in nice glowing forms!



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